Suzanne Smith's Fundraising Page
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Suzanne Smith's Fundraising Page

Preventing and reducing emotional suffering around pregnancy and parenthood has become a personal and professional passion of mine.  I witness so much unnecessary suffering as people struggle alone, in silence, and with shame.  It's hard enough to manage the challenges of growing and raising a new life, let alone while anxious, depressed, or plagued by intrusive thoughts.  These families need compassion and care.  We begin this by opening our eyes to the struggle and offering kind support. 

Please join me in raising awareness and resources for families facing mental health challenges throughout pregnancy and parenthood.  As we increase community awareness and support, more people will have access to the effective care they so need.  Please consider a donation or joining us on this family friendly event June 23rd.  

ABOUT Climb Out of the Darkness 2019

Postpartum Support International's Climb Out of the Darkness is the world's largest event for raising awareness of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, while raising money and building community.

You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help, you will be well.
If you or someone you know is suffering, PSI can help: Call 1.800.994.4773 or Text 503.894.9453

Name Date Amount Comments
Vickie Rowney 06/16/2019 $50.00  
Ann Smith 05/22/2019 $50.00  
Christina Mars 05/22/2019 $100.00 Wonderful cause! Thank you for raising awareness!
Kristen Geary Opfer 04/25/2019 $100.00 Wonderful cause!
  Total $300.00  
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